The workshop will be held in the new conference room of Castelrotto city hall, located in the main square of Castelrotto, see google maps

In terms of transportation, the closest airports are Verona airport and Innsbruck airport. Verona has a bus shuttle to the train station (https://www.aeroportoverona.it/en/transport/aerobus.html ) and then there are several trains to Bolzano (www.trenitalia.com ). Innsbruck airport has train connections to the main station and from there to Bolzano (https://www.oebb.at/en/ ). Munich is the largest international hub in the area. From Bolzano train station, there is a bus to Castelrotto (https://www.sii.bz.it/it/siipdfOldtimetables, line 170). It takes around 50 minutes and we can also organize transports from Bolzano to Castelrotto.
Note that renting a car from Verona or Innsbruck airports is the simplest and fastest option to reach Castelrotto.